Thursday, October 27, 2011

Last touch of not-publication leanne!

I have a personal blog that I keep of my day and how I feel.  In the comments section, I put down songs that carry me through that blog post or what happened...etc.

Songs have a particular way to sway you, make you FEEL.  So far this semester, I have been fortunate to connect to the songs we have in class emotionally, being able to take me through hard times.  The imagery of the songs take me to a windswept place at sunset. Some kind of calm, away from the bustle of Berkeley and school.

This week-ish has been strange and bizarre but I find myself singing Freight Train to remind me of what is good and pure : )
A song written by a little girl about the some movement in life towards inevitable death.  profound!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Leanne... In some strange way I'd never say death is inevitable...and I don't even know what I mean by this... Tony
